Key Personnel Yvonne D. DiMora
Yvonne D. DiMora

As Director of Public Relations, Yvonne D. DiMora manages the online and offline artwork design of our sponsorship program as well as overseeing the development of each sponsor's individualized event programs.

Born in Germany, she spent her formative years as the daughter of a military officer. She began her modeling career in Europe at age 12 with her twin sister.

Upon returning to the U.S., she began art classes during high school. In conjunction with these classes, she began work at a design studio and continued full time after graduation. She learned graphic arts from the ground up. However, she kept dual careers going by also modeling which landed her a national Coke commercial. With her twin, she also did commercials for Safeway, Tico Taco, and Midland Federal.

She worked at the design studio for six years. She continued modeling and freelance at Denver's second largest ad agency, Karsh & Hagan. During this period, she worked on ad campaigns for the Colorado State Lottery, Village Inn Restaurants, Coke regionally, and Great West Life Insurance Company. At the latter assignment, she designed them an exclusive typestyle. She also taught a college course in hand-lettering.

Ms. DiMora specializes in logo design, hand-lettered fonts, design layout proofing, and finalizing artwork. She has won several Addy awards for her logo designs.

Ms. DiMora has parlayed her design and modeling event management experience into her current role as Director of Public Relations at DiMora Motorcar.