Key Personnel Robert A. Jones
Robert A. Jones


Robert A. Jones is our Vice President for Communications Technology. He brings a wealth of experience in engineering, management, and testing new technologies in space and aeronautical systems as well as communications and embedded computers.

Before serving as President of Global Wide Cooperative, an advanced technology consulting firm, Mr. Jones was President of Sanswire Networks LLC, where he co-designed the first unmanned Advanced Rigid Airship and managed the development of the High Altitude Airship.  At NASA he worked on the  X-37, X-38, X-40, X-43 and other aerospace vehicle projects. 

As a U.S. Air Force pilot, he completed both the National Test Pilot School, Fixed Wing Test Pilot Course and the Air Force Test Pilot School, Aerospace Vehicle Test Course. He managed the Avionic System Analysis and Integration Laboratory (AVSAIL); the $60 million Embedded Computer Support Improvement Progam; the low-cost Synthetic Aperture Radar simulator; the Ada 1750A and 1553 computer simulator; the F-16 high-speed fire control computer interface, performance monitor, and control unit; and the first smart box and router for peripherials and computers.  He was Executive Officer to the Avionics Laboratory Director.

Mr. Jones directed over 80 NASA and contractor engineers as Chief of Space Shuttle Instrumentation Systems. He was responsible for modification, testing, and acceptance of a $90 million Space Shuttle system. As Range Control Officer at the Western Test Range (WTR), he managed the launch of many ballistic missiles, space launch vehicles, as well as aeronautical flight tests. As the Chief of Advanced Space Launch Systems, he orchestrated range support for the first Pegasus Advanced Launch Vehicle, controlling more ground/air/sea resources than for any other WTR operation.  He helped break 10 world records for space launch systems, earning three National Space and Science awards and commendation by Vice President Dan Quayle. He was Flight Test Director, Pilot and Flight Test Engineer for the WTR's Airborne Security Surveillance aircraft.

As Launch Vehicle Program Manager and Deputy Program Manager for tests of the $4 billion Brilliant Pebbles program, Mr. Jones coordinated the work of over 200 contractor and military personnel.  He directed all range and target activities for the Boost Phase Interceptor program, the $600 million airborne kinetic energy weapon developed by the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. 

Mr. Jones supported the Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC) at Edwards Air Force Base as a member of the Air Force Reserve after leaving active duty. He coordinated test range support involving over 100 aircraft flying over 25,000 flight hours per year. As the AFFTC Project Manager, he managed Future X program, X-37, X-40A and X-33.  He brought the B-52H Air Launch Platform to the AFFTC and NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, and helped define the Air Force Space Test Engineer course for the Test Pilot School.

As vice president of marketing for Consumers Choice in Oceanside, California, he increased its customer base by 20 fold. He was president of RV Auto Connection, also in Oceanside, a multi-million dollar automotive research and development business that specialized in vehicle export and custom modification of luxury coach and show vehicles.

As NASA Mission Manager and Science Coordinator, he supported worldwide science experiment deployments with specially equipped aircraft. He managed the X-37 Atmospheric Lift Vehicle, the X-37 Orbital Vehicle, the  NASA B-52H, the NASA C-20A, and the APEX High Altitude test bed.  Mr. Jones organized the Homeland Security Joint Program Office with NASA Headquarters. As Project Manager, he modified the C-20A aircraft for advanced telemetry and data acquisition.  Mr. Jones procured the Predator B unmanned aerial vehicle to support NASA and DoD research.

Mr. Jones earned a Bachelors in Computer Science from Chaminade University of Honolulu and an Masters in Management Information Systems from West Coast University. He has also done undergraduate work at the University of Hawaii and completed graduate courses towards an Masters in Systems Management from the University of Southern California. He has completed numerous professional development courses, most notably in the fields of testing, acquisition and program management. He has over ten years' experience teaching computer science, including three years at the university graduate level.

Mr. Jones is a member of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. He speaks fluent Japanese. Mr. Jones retired from the Air Force Reserve in 2004.